Take Our Archetype Quiz!

Greetings, Beautiful Awakened Daughters.

I'm Angela Carr Patterson, the brain behind The Beautiful Awakened Daughters Project. My mission is to raise awareness about the profound effects of a father's absence on a female's life and equip her with the necessary tools and resources for healing and thriving.

If you've seen our video, "Are You a Fatherless Daughter?... There's Danger in Not Knowing," you might be one of the many women who've reached out to share how it shed light on the patterns and behaviors stemming from growing up without a present, engaged, or available father. Many express eagerness to learn how to break these cycles that have held back various aspects of their lives.

To aid in this journey, we've created an online quiz to help identify your fatherless daughter archetype and the patterns influencing your decisions, beliefs, and actions. This self-awareness is a critical first step toward healing and transformation.

The quiz is straightforward and quick, but the insights you'll gain are significant. Click the button below to take the quiz. 

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